If you had a chance to download lesson plans “Safe Homes – Friendly Cities”, you might look forward to downloading attachments to the plans you already have. All the attachments to scenarios are available on this page. You can download them free of charge. We have created lesson plans so that children can act, create, explore, and learn more about important topics discussed in the tails “Safe Homes – Friendly Cities”. Here you will find presentations, activity sheets, and instructions for games that will introduce children 4 important topics in interesting, engaging, and empathetic way:
Friendly city: What is a friendly city? What are its features? Can we do something to make our house or district friendly?
Natural disasters: What types of natural disasters do we know? How does a drought, flood, or earthquake affect the lives of children in other countries?
Safe house: Does home mean the same thing in Europe, Africa, or the Arctic? What are houses made of? What do they look like? What functions do they have?
Slums: Who lives in a slum? Are there water, electricity, and streets in the slum?
With the help of the presentation (attachment 1.1) and the game “Climate for Change” (attachment 3.1) children can learn about the consequences of natural disasters and climate change. Designers, curious travelers, and artists will find something for themselves as well. We recommend the activity “Paint like a Ndbele” (attachment 8.1) that presents children African traditional design and encourage children to decorate their own house according to the rules of the game. Constructors will face the challenge of building a Russian traditional house out of paper (appendix 9.1), travelers will learn about different types of houses (attachment 5.1)
You may find here also proposals of activities aimed at highlighting the problems of the contemporary world, e.g., the problem of poverty (attachment 7.1), life in slums (attachment 17.1). Children will learn in which places in the world there are slum areas, how many people live there, and how to prevent their further extension.
Attachments to lesson plans "Safe Houses - Friendly Cities"
11.1 Symbols “Every country has its own customs”
11.2 Presentation “Every country has its own customs”
12.1 Important elements of a friendly city – check-list
13.1 Pictures of friendly and unfriendly cities
13.2 Elements of friendly and unfriendly cities
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Project is financed by European Union. This project is a part of global advocacy campaign of Habitat for Humanity aimed at improvement of access to land for shelter.