Games, Sustainable Cities

Is a flood dangerous to everyone?

The aim of this post is to warn children about the results of a flood and teach them about the need to comply with safety rules which apply during dangerous weather conditions.


Before starting the game, show the children the presentation available here. Ask the children if they think that extreme weather conditions, such as drought or flood, can be dangerous to humans. If yes, ask them to explain why. After this short introduction, suggest to search together for the proof that the elements should not be disregarded.

Tell the children that you begin a sports activity that will help them understand how powerful floods can be.

First, one of the children becomes a “Raindrop” which wants to merge with other droplets to create a flood. The Raindrop stands in the centre of a classroom and the remaining children need to run from one side of the room to the other without being caught by the Raindrop. If the Raindrop catches their friend, they join the Raindrop, holding hands. In the following round the two Raindrops are trying to catch more of their friends. The task of the Raindrops is to create a bigger and bigger chain that will eventually prevent the remaining children from running to the other side of the classroom.

This activity shows that water in the form of rain — separate droplets — is not dangerous (but needed!). We can easily hide from it at homes and it doesn’t do us any harm. Water becomes dangerous when there is too much of it. When the precipitation accumulates, a thin brook turns into a fast-flowing river which bursts its banks and causes a flood. It can easily take kids on its way.

When the activity is over, ask the children when it was easier to escape the water: at the beginning or at the end of the game? Highlight that every element may be dangerous to humans. This is why we all have to abide by the established safety rules created by specialists. For example, the Ministry of the Interior and Administration advises the following:

Proceedings in case of a flood

  • Turn off all electrical and gas appliances and secure the sewage system;
  • In case of life hazard, make an emergency call;
  • In case of danger, immediately move to the areas higher above the water level;
  • If you have a mobile phone, always carry it with you and make sure the battery is charged;
  • Turn on a battery-powered radio and tune into the local station to get access to real-time information about the situation and the way of proceeding;
  • Prepare for a possible evacuation. Remember that adults should not carry more than 50 kg (up to 20 kg per person);
  • Make sure that you have access to a first aid kit and the medicines taken by the housemates. Prepare some excess food and drinking water, warm clothes, sleeping bags and blankets. Keep them on the upper floors of your houses or high up on the shelves;
  • Do not drink the water from dwells or groundwater as it may be contaminated.


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Project is financed by European Union. This project is a part of global advocacy campaign of Habitat for Humanity aimed at improvement of access to land for a shelter.
