We haven’t worked with paper for some time, so we dedicate today’s post to working with crepe paper. It is an excellent material, especially for the youngest children who are not yet able to cut. Through this activity the course of work, children will understand the role of rain in nature, consolidate their knowledge about the water cycle in nature and develop the accuracy and precision in working with paper.
- A4 blue cardboard from the drawing pad or technical block
- crepe paper of various colors: brown, white, yellow, green, red and any other colors to make flowers
- glue
- optionally scissors
- drawing of a barrel printed on a brown sheet (Annex 3.1)
Place an A4 sheet of paper horizontally and bend it along its shorter side in two places, so that the left and right sides of the fold are each marked with 1/4 of the sheet. The middle part (1/2 of the sheet) remains without folds.
Use the brown crepe paper to model balls. They will represent soil. Use the white crepe paper to create clouds in any shape you like. Use white crepe paper also to create raindrops – by rolling small pieces of crepe paper between your fingers. Use other colors of paper to form the sun, grass and flowers. You can print out a rain barrel from the attachment 3.1 or form it from brown or black balls made with crepe paper.
When all the rolled crepe paper pieces are ready, you can start gluing. Glue a layer of soil from the brown crepe elements, you prepared earlier, to the bottom of the cardboard. Place clouds and white rolls in the middle of the cardboard to imitate rain.
Glue a sun in the top left corner of the cardboard and the rain barrel on the right side. (In younger groups you can print it out on brown paper and give it to children to cut out. In older groups ask children to prepare it with their own hands.) When the barrel is glued to the right side of the cardboard, glue the sun and flowers growing out of the soil. The barrel may have a tiny trickle of water, leaking from the tap (balls or rolls of blue crepe glued just below flowers, in the top layer of the soil).
The post was created as part of the project “I love Warsaw – I save water”, financed by the Veolia Foundation.